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Jonathan Darling

CPG Segment Market Leader


Other 10X Managers


“You’re never going to make anything out of your life”
“You know nothing about leadership”

“You just need to stay in your lane and stop writing about things you know nothing about”

“Why would anyone want to hear you speak about leadership when you’re not a leader?”

These are just some of the comments I’ve had said to me throughout my life. But it is these comments that help drive me and my passion to help others understand the true purpose of leadership.

From leading teams, to speaking for organizations and universities, I strive to empower individuals to lead, not from position or title, but from their heart. I teach that leadership is truly loving and caring for the people around them, influencing positive change and being the catalyst for self belief in their lives. I help people focus on the Micro-Moments that can have a Massive Impact.
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